the true ending of “don’t”

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can you, can you think it is alright
that we live our separate lifes
from now on and until the end of…

days passed, without seeing what they meant
without giving us a chance
to make our love like it was before…


a ballad of summer

can’t think of the best day
you had in quite a while
can’t remember the last time
you slept really well
but still there’s so much to hold on to
yeah, there is

you can’t say that
this is only your fault
you can’t blame
yourself with all of it, oh no
you should have
the strength to push through, oh

I heard you say
you can’t go on like this
that you’re lost in space
and find no way out
think you’re on your own
think you’re all alone


days again

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can you still remember when we first met?
it was so many years ago
do you recall where you found my number
and called me up for fun?
and would you look back at those days and say
they were only some kind of joke?
but please
remember I’m your friend
though I never held your hand
though we never had been near


Die Bundeswehr

Wie man 13 Monate im Schnelldurchlauf vergeudet

Montag, 1. Juli 2002, Neustadt (Hessen)

Seltsam viele Leipziger für Hessen. Egal, 3 Monate vergehen ja bekanntlich schnell, auch wenn’s nicht immer spaßig war in der 6./InstBtl 51. Spaß gibt’s ja genug in der Stammeinheit.

Donnerstag, 26. September 2002, Schwalmstadt (immer noch Hessen)

Puh, Grundausbildung geschafft, aber leider Fernmelder geworden in der 1./NschBtl 51. Tagesablauf: 6:00 aufstehen, 6:30 putzen, 6:50 antreten, 7:00 noch mal antreten, 7:10 Kaffe trinken, 8:30 gesagt bekommen, dass es keine Aufträge gibt, 9:00 NATO-Pause, 9:30 Sport, 12:00 Mittag, 13:00 ab in die Inst-Halle, 15:00 Sonnen, 16:30 Dienstschluss.