About Misinterpretation

It could be you, your message or the environment (context) that is causing the problem. Many people go through life thinking they’re good at reading people’s non-verbal signals. They’ll take a single action by another person and, lacking the requisite empathy to dig further, they’ll ascribe it to a particular feeling — with no back-up information. Needless to say, these people may end up antagonising others (‘No I’m not bored with what you’re telling me; I’m just tired’ … ‘No you’re not — you’re bored, I can tell’ … ‘Will you just leave it for now’ …).


My Mind is Confused

From the few emotions that I gather, I start to grow more and more confused. Actually it’s the clarity and carelessness that confuses me. Almost always, a foreign city brings up emotions in their purest form. I stare out the hotel room window into the dark void that’s being highlighted by countless lights and looming shapes against the dimmed sky. Cars as small as matchboxes, only distinguishable via their lights, move in predefined bends and straight lines. It feels like something is happening on the outside, but I’m perfectly content with looking at it from a distance.


libpeak: Mapping of IPv4 to IPv6 in C

Hi everyone,

this week I’m going to present you my little twist for coherent mapping of IPv4 to IPv6 in C. What this means: you don’t have to worry about branching your code, which makes it more clean and simple. The only drawback is that IPv4 addresses do waste a lot of space, but if you plan on working with IPv6 in the future, that argument is quickly rendered invalid. You can find the peak library code on GitHub, or take a look at the whole commit that’s about to be discussed (including a man page and a unit test).