About Anxiety

Then there are people who seem to have almost a genetic pull towards a permanent state of anxiety. This is known as trait anxiety. A person like this is constantly focused on what could go wrong. They engage in many forms of ‘distorted’ thinking and quite often are unable to enjoy life due to this pessimistic way of thinking. They may have an unhealthy need for control and try to reduce the uncertainties of life by trying to prevent the possibilities of things going wrong. Trying to achieve control over things that we can’t hope to influence contributes to more anxiety. You can’t hope to ‘carpet’ the world. You just have to learn to cope with whatever ‘thinking skills’ you can bring to each situation.


Dissecting OpenDPI (DNS)

A Short Introduction

The time is nigh! I know all the teasing about DPI is annoying, but this will be the last article before the release of libpeak’s lightweight inspection. Thirty protocols have been prepared and polished so far. But back to the Domain Name System (DNS) for the time being. We all use it on a daily basis. And, well… covering this topic is too much for this context. If you want to learn about the implementation details, please kindly look at RFC 1035. Let’s get straight to the biscuits.


About Stress

You can choose how to react in any particular situation. So the difference between stress and pressure is purely down to the perception of the event. Therefore we can define stress as a situation in which a person: perceives that the demands made upon them exceed their ability to cope.

James Borg – Mind Control

About That Which Holds Us Back

The theory that events in our life are not the cause of our upset, but our reactions — based on our beliefs — is the cornerstone of the powerful model that Dr Ellis formulated. It was […] an insightful and forgiving approach to human emotional life […]. On the basis that all of us have a shared vision in life, namely to be happy, it’s a shame that fortune doesn’t always agree with us. Our wants, needs and goals are constantly being blocked. […] All human beings are different of course, but there are three major and universal irrational beliefs — with different manifestations — that upset everybody and that Ellis called ‘The Three Basic Musts’. These relate to:


libpeak: Tree-Based Flow Tracking in C

Welcome, this is a service announcement. It has come to my attention that there already is a libpeak library, but it hasn’t been active for years, so I don’t mind. Does anyone advise against that? Anyway, since I’m working on releasing fresh DPI code, there is still some code glue missing to invoke it properly. I’ve taken the time to implement simple flow tracking based on red-black trees. I know the implementation doesn’t hold up against the speed of hash tables (and has absolutely no optimisations), but the thing is that hash tables are not really optimal in all other aspects. Let’s get into the science for the sake of it!


About Intention Cues

Picking up an intention cue quite often saves a relationship because some people, out of politeness, don’t want to verbalise what their intentions are. They rely on the body language reading skills of the other person — that means you. If they have to keep making repeated intention movements, it can irritate. Often it’s the last thing they remember about the interaction and so it can cause negative feelings.

James Borg – Body Language

Dissecting OpenDPI (SSL/TLS)

A Short Introduction

Okay, this is going to be sort of demanding. Secure Socket Layer (SSL) and now rather Transport Layer Security (TLS) are at the heart of our current encrypted communication via the Internet. Let’s not get too much into the history here, but consider this: SSL was developed by Netscape in the nineties and version 3.0 was used as the base for the open standard TLS 1.0 via RFC 2246 in 1999. On the wire, the protocol presents itself on top of TCP. (A variation is DTLS, which is used on top of UDP.) The unencrypted header structures are well-defined and thus perfect candidates for DPI, especially for Lightweight Inspection (LI). I’m going to refrain from putting “packet” into the term, because LI may work on top of streams as well, as it is not aware of packets. That makes things easy by unwinding the protocol stack and avoiding packet parsing/manipulation inside the engine itself.