Reinventing the wheel of DPI

So there I was reading up on the latest advancements of DPI (Deep Packet Inspection) while stumbling upon on this promising achievement. It goes like this:

In order to create a rock-solid IPS (Intrusion Prevention System), capable of handling network speeds of up to 1 gigabit with standard Intel hardware, we had to devise a technology breakthrough in Layer 7 processing. Existing technologies were just too slow to keep up with network speed expectations.


Limbo für zwischendurch

Okay, vielleicht nicht die leichteste Kost, dieses Spiel namens Limbo. Auf der Suche nach neuen Herausforderungen und des Survivals des Survivals der Jump and Run Spiele stößt man aber unweigerlich auf dieses. Liebevoll animiert, im Schwarz-Weiß-Stil visualisiert und voller Details und Puzzels, die gefühlte tausend Leben kosten. Und von Zeit zu Zeit stark grübeln lassen. Und dann ist da noch diese ständige, aber wirklich ständige, unbehagliche Gefühl, dass gleich wieder etwas Gruseliges passieren muss…


C debugging code ‘peak’ released

Hey folks, as promised earlier, I released a bunch of code dubbed ‘peak’, which mainly features nuts and bolts for C projects. What’s so special? There are memory allocation wrappers checking consistency in your C code so you’ll always get a sensitive error message with file and line attached. This helps you to better trace buffer overflow/underflow issues. It also features a preallocated memory pool, print wrappers and byte access macros for little and big endian architectures alike. Mind you, this is still work in progress. Comments and contributions welcome.

Building and evolving your own VM

Introduction to VMs

A few days ago an article about the Quake3 source code by Fabien Sanglard surfaced on the web and I couldn’t help wondering about id‘s use of their own VM named QVM. The article itself is really well written with lots of pointers to additional information on the game design (source code) itself, but for anyone wondering about what it actually means to write something like that on a conceptual level, this example might not be the first choice. Please don’t take this as a full article. Instead, I’m going to provide links to places on where to find the basics. You can always come back later for the improvements suggested here.